
SSW Team

Assessment of the Role of Alloying Elements on the Corrosion Behaviour of Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys

The primary goal of this research was to elucidate the key influences of the alloying elements in Ni-Cr-Mo alloys on their electrochemical behaviour. Two alloys, varying in Cr and Mo content, were studied in deaerated 5 M NaCl solutions. As indicated in Figure 1, potentiostatic polarization followed by electrochemical impedance...
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Crevice Corrosion of Grade-2 Titanium

Titanium alloys are highly corrosion resistant under oxidizing conditions, but can suffer crevice corrosion at elevated temperatures (>70°C) if the surface is occluded by another material, such as a deposit, a poor weld or a crack. The conditions which develop within a crevice are such that, in the event of...
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Electrochemical Study of Doped Uranium Oxide (UO2) in Slightly Alkaline Sodium Carbonate/Bicarbonate Solutions

This recent research project was designed to investigate the influence of carbonate/bicarbonate, the key groundwater constituents likely to influence fuel dissolution inside a failed nuclear waste disposal container, on the reactivity of different uranium oxide (UO2) specimens. A cyclic voltammetric (CV) study of doped UO2 (Dy-UO2, Gd-UO2, 1.5 at% SIMFUEL...
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Electrochemical and Surface Analytical Measurements on Cu-Coated Steel Specimens

The proposed Canadian container for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel consists of a dual wall comprised of an outer shell of copper over an inner low alloy steel vessel. Because of manufacturing and fabrication challenges for thick-walled containers, a thin-walled alternative design is being developed. Their fabrication involves coating...
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New EDX Analyzer Installed on FESEM

SSW has recently upgraded the EDX system on our Hitachi S4500 field emission SEM to a Quartz PCI XOne SSD X-ray analyzer. The system consists of a PulseTor Maxim silicon drift detector (SDD) combined with a Quartz Imaging XOne image and EDX capture software. The state-of-the-art detector is electronically cooled...
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Strong SSW Presence at Interdisciplinary Research Showcase

The results of various research and analyses carried out at Surface Science Western were on display as part of Western Science`s Interdisciplinary Research Showcase held on December 2, 2014. Research findings from SSW staff and students and a variety of groups that utilize SSW facilities were presented. In this past...
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Retirement Annoucement

After 27 years with SSW, it is with heavy hearts but warmest wishes that we announce the retirement of Ross Davidson, our Operations Manager, on September 30, 2014. We are indebted to his vision and commitment for propelling us to our present position in this niche industry. His expertise in...
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Dr. N. Stewart McIntyre Award in Surface Science 2014 Winner Matt Asmussen

Congratulations to Dr. Matt Asmussen, recent graduate from the Department of Chemistry at Western University, winner of the 2014 Dr. N. Stewart McIntyre Award in Surface Science. Matt’s research focussed on the influence of microstructure on the corrosion of two materials; lightweight Mg alloys and metal alloy nuclear waster forms...
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Nanoindenter Installed at SSW

SSW has acquired a Hysitron TI-950 TriboIndenter from the Department of Chemistry, Western University. With the assistance of Professor Emeritus Peter Norton, who was the PI on the NSERC grant application for the initial acquisition of the nanoindenter, we have updated the system with a new stage controller. The instrument...
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SSW Introduction Video

A short video that introduces Surface Science Western and shows some of our equipment and staff. Click on link if video doesn’t appear below.
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