Dr. Jeffrey Henderson, SSW Research Scientist, attended the Pacific Rim Symposium on Surface, Coatings & Interface (PacSurf 2022) in Waikoloa Beach (Hawaii) on December 11th–15th, 2022. This symposium gathered scientists from around the world working on a wide range of research projects related to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), as well as various engineered coatings and interfaces.
During his time at PacSurf 2022, Jeff gave an oral presentation titled “Zinc and Cadmium – Improving chemical state speciation through the analysis of standard samples” which highlighted his recent work on improving the speciation capabilities of zinc, cadmium, and their related compounds and minerals by XPS. This work was part of an going collaborative research effort with SSW Director, Dr. Mark Biesinger, and two undergraduate research students, Sage Buchanan and Lauren Grey.