Congratulations to SSW member and Dept. of Chemistry Professor Jamie Noël on winning the 2019 ECS Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award.
The ECS Canada Section has four awards within the recognition program. The Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award was established in 1986 to recognize notable and significant contributions to the functioning of the Canada Section. The award is for dedicated members who have and continue to make a difference to the Canada Section and ECS as a whole.

Jamie Noël obtained BSc and MSc degrees in chemistry from the University of Guelph. He then joined Ontario Hydro, working on corrosion issues arising during nuclear reactor decontamination. Next, he joined Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., studying corrosion processes in nuclear fuel waste disposal. In parallel, he earned his PhD in chemistry through the University of Manitoba, under the supervision of Hymie Gesser and Dave Shoesmith. In 1998, he joined The University of Western Ontario as a research scientist with Professors Dave Shoesmith and Clara Wren, training students, and working on various corrosion projects. In 2016, he became an assistant professor of chemistry. His research group studies corrosion issues in nuclear fuel waste management, automotive parts, additive manufacturing, and oil refining.
A longtime ECS member, Noël rose through the ranks of the Canada Section executive committee (member-at-large, secretary, vice chair, chair, past chair, and councillor). He has co-organized many ECS symposia and served the Society as chair of the Short Course and Career Development Subcommittees, member of the Council of Sections, and member-at-large and secretary/treasurer of the Corrosion Division. He is currently vice chair of the Corrosion Division, chair of the Education Committee, and instructor of an ECS short course on the Fundamentals of Electrochemistry.
Reposted from the Electrochemical Society.