We are thrilled to share a newly published peer-reviewed article by Adam Morgan, Ph.D. candidate supervised by Dr. James Noel, and in collaboration with several Surface Science Western (SSW) Scientists – Jeffrey D. Henderson, Brad Kobe, and Mark Biesinger. In this paper, Adam details the use of the Quantitative Analysis of Surfaces by Electron Spectroscopy (QUASES) software package to obtain additional information that is not extracted in conventional X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. His analysis focuses on the air-formed oxides grown on Ni-Cr-Mo alloys. Using the QUASES software, the thickness of the air-formed oxide on four Ni-Cr-Mo alloys was found to lie within the range of 2.5–3.6 nm. They were found to be composed of an inner Cr2O3 layer and an outer Cr(OH)3 layer, with a transition zone where the two coexisted. Oxidized Mo species, MoO2 and MoO3, were found in trace amounts at the boundary between the Cr2O3-only and mixed Cr2O3/Cr(OH)3 regions of the oxide.

You can read this paper here: https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sia.7243
Investigating the structure of the oxide on Ni-Cr-Mo alloys while presenting a method for analysis of complex oxides using QUASES, A.M. Morgan, J.D. Henderson, B.A. Kobe, M.C. Biesinger, J.J. Noel, Surface and Interface Analysis (2023), 1-14.