Dr. Jonas Hedberg, SSW Research Scientist, attended the SIMS 23 conference in Minneapolis on Sept 18 to 22. The conference gathered scientists from around the world who are working on a wide range of SIMS related applications, including, but not limited to, semiconductors, biochemistry, and geology.
During his time at SIMS 23, Jonas presented his work called “Dynamic SIMS Imaging of Impurities in Cold Spray Copper Coating”, which showed D-SIMS imaging of impurities in cold spray copper samples. The cold spray copper provides corrosion protection for spent nuclear fuel vessels and therefore must be as pure as possible.

The work was a collaboration with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) in Canada, scientists within the Chemistry Department at Western University led by Dr. James Noel who is an affiliate member of SSW, and colleagues at SSW (Dr. Sridhar Ramamurthy and Dr. Jeffrey Henderson).