Congratulations to SSW Director Dr. Mark Biesinger on being awarded Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) in recognition of his years of work on the development of advanced X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques and his efforts in scientific communication within the XPS and surface science community.
From IAAM: “Fellow of IAAM is a prestigious honour that the International Association of Advanced Materials confers upon researchers and scientists to appreciate their hard work and efforts for the advanced materials community. The Fellow of IAAM is recognized as a prestigious title that is only conferred upon deserving researchers who have made some significant contribution to the world of materials science, engineering and technology. By honouring the researchers and scientific elites with this coveted title, IAAM recognizes their hard work and also hopes to motivate the young and upcoming researchers to take research up as a long-term career. The fellow of IAAM is entitled to use the designatory letters “FIAAM”.”